
Don’t Let Exceptions Interrupt Cash Flow

We provide assurance for several of our billing services. We can work with relocation companies to provide follow-up when invoices get hung up. Also, when billing on behalf of agents, we can help defend ratings if they are disputed by a Transportation Service Provider (TSP).

Submit your invoices with the assurance that they will be proactively monitored to ensure payment is made to your bank account in a timely manner with our Revenue Assurance. We leverage our technology, relationships, and experience in conjunction with our comprehensive Full-Service Billing processes to keep your revenue flowing.

Revenue Assurance Service Benefits

  • Proactively monitors your submitted invoices, including identification of exceptions and appropriate corrective action on your behalf

  • Works with your partners to ensure invoices are approved in a timely manner

  • Enables you to only focus on the exceptions that require your attention to resolve

Don’t Let Exceptions Interrupt Cash Flow

As anyone in the transportation industry knows, submission of a freight invoice is only part of the process of getting paid. Complex business rules, multi-layered approval processes, and third-party audit firms working on behalf of the shipper can string your payment out for weeks. Monitoring your invoice activity and resolving any exceptions quickly can keep your cash flow constant and timely.

Revenue Assurance Service Benefits

  • Monitors your submitted invoices and identifies exceptions

  • Works with the shipper to get invoices approved

  • Enables you to only focus on the exceptions that require your attention to resolve

That seems rather easy, right? Just grab some of those extra resources you have around the office and get to monitoring bills?

Still laughing? We understand. You are not in the bill monitoring business. You move goods. You manage a network of assets and drivers and rates and regulations and more and more every day. You don’t have a choice as to whether or not to watch over your invoices — you have to wait until they age and get your attention. Again, you are in the freight transportation business, not bill monitoring.

Our current Revenue Assurance products are built for Revenue Initiation customers, but we are developing additional products to allow you control over your exception management without adding temporary resources or robbing Peter to pay Paul.