Requests for Funding

Your community could be your town, your school, or a club, group, or organization to which you belong.  Funding will go to projects that have a positive impact on northeast Nebraska communities and are charitable in nature, which means they have to focus on serving the public interest or common good.

  1. Read through the requirements section to see if your idea qualifies for Daycos4Good Funding.
  2. Think through your idea, how much it will cost, and who will help you and make a plan for how you will best use the funding to make a difference.
  3. Decide what organization will receive the funding.
    1. Daycos can only grant to a 501(c)3 organization (which is a nonprofit organization like an animal shelter, hospital, or homeless shelter, whose purpose is to help) or a political subdivision (which would be like a city or school), so you need to have a partner organization for your project.
    2. If your project is for something at your school, your school can be your partner. If it is for a nonprofit in your community, such as a museum, rescue mission, or youth group, those organizations can serve as your partner.
    3. Just be sure you talk to someone at the organization you want to help, and they are ok with your idea, before you submit your application.
  4. Contact Daycos with any questions
  5. Complete the application form below and submit.

All projects must fit into one of the following areas in order to receive funding from Daycos.  Your project has a better chance of being funded if it fits in more than one category, so mark all that apply.

  • Developing, Inspiring and Building Capacity in Leadership
    • (What kinds of things fit here? – Ideas that help build, grow, and inspire leaders or leadership in our community)
  • Growing Our Future Through Our Youth
    • (What kinds of things fit here? – Ideas that help kids, teenagers, and young adults in the community)
  • Using Innovative Technology to Equalize and Improve Lives
    • (What kinds of things fit here? – Ideas that have to do with using technology to help people in the community)
  • Serving Those Who Serve (military, veterans, first responders, and law enforcement)
    • (What kinds of things fit here? – Ideas that help people in our community who are police officers, fire fighters, EMT’s, veterans, or are in the military)
  • Daycos can only grant to a 501(c)3 organization or a political subdivision. Please list the 501c3 organization your project is affiliated with and their mailing address.
  • Provide as much detail as possible about your project idea, how it will help people, and how you will spend the money. That will help our selection committee decide if we can fund your project.
  • Daycos’ employees love volunteering, so please let us know if your project has any opportunities for us to help out.
  • We love to work with projects that fit with who we are and what we care about, so be sure to read through our Community Investment Philosophy and tell us in your application why you think your idea is a good fit.
  • All grants are reviewed monthly. Please plan accordingly when submitting your grant request.

Youth Make a Difference

Daycos4good Youth Make a Difference Investments are an exciting opportunity for young people in northeast Nebraska to make a difference in their communities through philanthropy. Philanthropy is sharing your time, talent, and treasure with others to make something better and help others.
Daycos will provide funding for community projects created and initiated by youth that help the community grow and change for the better.

Community Investment Funding Request

To be considered for Daycos4good charitable dollars, applicants must fall into one of the following Investment Focus Areas:

  • Developing, Inspiring, and Building Capacity in Leadership
  • Growing Our Future Through Our Youth
  • Using Innovative Technology to Equalize and Improve Lives
  • Serving Those Who Serve (military, veterans, first responders and law enforcement)

In addition, applicants must:

  • Be a 501(c)3 organization or political subdivision (such as a city, village, public school, etc.).
  • Demonstrate inclusive and non-discriminatory practices by providing a non-discrimination policy with the application or past examples of inclusivity.

Daycos4Good Funding Request process starts with completing a Community Investment Grant Application to determine whether your organization and project are a good fit.  There are no deadlines for submission and we generally respond within one month of receiving your application.

The Community Investment Committee will review all requests for funding and may engage applicants in additional questions, conversations, and collaboration to help develop the most impactful investment opportunities.

All grants are reviewed monthly. Please plan accordingly when submitting your grant request.

Daycos4Good is interested in partnering with like-minded programs and organizations to make a difference in the community.  Proposals that demonstrate that they align with Daycos culture and mindset, by meeting one or more of these criteria, will have a higher chance of receiving funding.  Stronger consideration will be given to grants that:

  • Demonstrate alignment with our Daycos Core Values.
    • Be better tomorrow than we are today.
    • Fix the problem, be the solution.
    • Build relationships for the long-term.
    • Make this a great place to work.
    • Give back, it’s what we do.
  • Support our corporate philosophy and are beneficial to, or at the very least do no harm to, any of the four Daycos4Good stakeholders. These stakeholders are interdependent and share equal importance in all Daycos’ decisions.
    • Is it good for the company?
    • Is it good for our customers?
    • Is it good for our employees?
    • Is it good for the community?
  • Focus on Norfolk and the surrounding area (this is our priority investment area, but Daycos4Good may consider a larger geographic area as warranted).
  • Provide opportunities for hands-on involvement and volunteer opportunities for others (such as Daycos’ employees and their families and/or community members) in making them a reality.
  • We actively seek to collaborate with community partners rather than waiting for ideas to come to us and are willing to share ideas generated by Daycos’ Community Investment Committee and our employees with community organizations.
  • Requests for support of projects presented by religious organizations will be considered if a general need is being met and the project does not promote the teachings of a religion or denomination.
  • No grants may be used for any political campaign.

Daycos4good Request for Funding

Upon successful funding of your project, please share with us stories and images of your project’s progress.

Community Investment Funding Request

To be considered for Daycos4Good charitable dollars, applicants must fall into one of the following Investment Focus Areas:

  • Developing, Inspiring, and Building Capacity in Leadership
  • Growing Our Future Through Our Youth
  • Using Innovative Technology to Equalize and Improve Lives
  • Serving Those Who Serve (military, veterans, first responders and law enforcement)

In addition, applicants must:

  • Be a 501(c)3 organization or political subdivision (such as a city, village, public school, etc.).
  • Can demonstrate inclusive and non-discriminatory practices by providing a non-discrimination policy with the application or past examples of inclusivity.

Daycos4Good Funding Request process starts with completing a Community Investment Grant Application to determine whether your organization and project are a good fit.  There are no deadlines for submission and we generally respond within one month of receiving your application.

The Community Investment Committee will review all requests for funding and may engage applicants in additional questions, conversations, and collaboration to help develop the most impactful investment opportunities.

Daycos4Good is interested in partnering with like-minded programs and organizations to make a difference in the community.  Proposals that demonstrate that they align with Daycos culture and mindset, by meeting one or more of these criteria, will have a higher chance of receiving funding.  Stronger consideration will be given to grants that:

  • Demonstrate alignment with our Daycos Core Values.
    • Be better tomorrow than we are today.
    • Fix the problem, be the solution.
    • Build relationships for the long-term.
    • Make this a great place to work.
    • Give back, it’s what we do.
  • Support our corporate philosophy and are beneficial to, or at the very least do no harm to, any of the four Daycos4Good stakeholders. These stakeholders are interdependent and share equal importance in all Daycos’ decisions.
    • Is it good for the company?
    • Is it good for our customers?
    • Is it good for our employees?
    • Is it good for the community?
  • Focus on Norfolk and the surrounding area (this is our priority investment area, but Daycos4Good may consider a larger geographic area as warranted).
  • Provide opportunities for hands-on involvement and volunteer opportunities for others (such as Daycos’ employees and their families and/or community members) in making them a reality.
  • We actively seek to collaborate with community partners rather than waiting for ideas to come to us and are willing to share ideas generated by Daycos’ Community Investment Committee and our employees with community organizations.
  • Requests for support of projects presented by religious organizations will be considered if a general need is being met and the project does not promote the teachings of a religion or denomination.
  • No grants may be used for any political campaign.

Daycos4Good Request for Funding

Upon successful funding of your project, please share with us stories and images of your project’s progress.